J4 ›› 2011, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 497-499.
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SHI Dengke,CUI Xuezhen
甘肃省气象局2007 - 02 课题( 2007 - 02) “临夏自动与人工观测资料对比分析及均一性研究”资助
The precipitation difference of observation at the automatic and the manual weather station in the year of 2003 and 2004 in Linxia of Gansu Province was analyzed. Results show that the average daily observation difference is 0. 2 mm and rainfall difference ranged from - 1. 7 mm to 1. 2 mm. For different rainfall level,the observation difference is also different at the two kinds of stations,the average difference is 0. 1 mm for rainfall less than 1. 0 mm,0. 2 mm for raifall ranged from 1. 1 mm to 9. 9 mm,and 0. 5 mm for rainfall ranged from 10. 0 mm to 35. 0 mm. Differences in both observation systems,the homogeneous revised model was established in this paper. Through the fitting verification,the deviation of two data series reduced significantly.
Key words: automatic weather station, manual observation, precipitation, difference
通过对临夏站2003 ~ 2004 年人工与自动气象站2 个观测系统降水量观测差异分析,旱区自动气象站与人工气象站降水量平均日观测差异为0. 2 mm,差值变幅为- 1. 7 ~ 1. 2 mm; 不同日雨量的观测差异也是不同的,其中≤1. 0 mm 均差值为0. 1 mm; 1. 1 ~ 9. 9 mm 均差值为0. 2 mm; 10. 0 ~ 35. 0mm 均差值为0. 5 mm。针对两者观测差异,建立了两者降水量观测差异均一订正模式。经拟合验证自动站与人工站2 个数据序列的偏差明显减少,效果良好。
关键词: 自动气象站, 人工观测, 降水量, 差异
CLC Number:
P458. 1 + 2
SHI Dengke,CUI Xuezhen. Precipitation Difference Between AWS and Manual Observation in Linxia of Gansu Province[J]. J4, 2011, 29(4): 497-499.
石登科,崔学祯. 甘肃临夏人工与自动气象站降水量观测差异分析[J]. J4, 2011, 29(4): 497-499.
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