Journal of Arid Meteorology ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2): 187-206.DOI: 10.11755/j.issn.1006-7639(2023)-02-0187
• Drought and Food Security • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHAO Hong1,2(), CAI Dihua1,2, WANG Heling1,2, YANG Yang1,2, WANG Runyuan1,2(
), ZHANG Kai1,2, QI Yue1,2, ZHAO Funian1,2, CHEN Fei1,2, YUE Ping1,2, WANG Xing3, YAO Yubi4, LEI Jun5, WEI Xingxing1,2
赵鸿1,2(), 蔡迪花1,2, 王鹤龄1,2, 杨阳1,2, 王润元1,2(
), 张凯1,2, 齐月1,2, 赵福年1,2, 陈斐1,2, 岳平1,2, 王兴3, 姚玉璧4, 雷俊5, 魏星星1,2
CLC Number:
ZHAO Hong, CAI Dihua, WANG Heling, YANG Yang, WANG Runyuan, ZHANG Kai, QI Yue, ZHAO Funian, CHEN Fei, YUE Ping, WANG Xing, YAO Yubi, LEI Jun, WEI Xingxing. Progress and prospect on impact of drought disaster on food security and its countermeasures[J]. Journal of Arid Meteorology, 2023, 41(2): 187-206.
赵鸿, 蔡迪花, 王鹤龄, 杨阳, 王润元, 张凯, 齐月, 赵福年, 陈斐, 岳平, 王兴, 姚玉璧, 雷俊, 魏星星. 干旱灾害对粮食安全的影响及其应对技术研究进展与展望[J]. 干旱气象, 2023, 41(2): 187-206.
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Fig.5 Changes of the ratio of drought-affected rate and disaster-formative rate and loss rate due to drought in different decades in China during 1949-2020 compared with 1949-1959 (Ni et al., 2022)
等级 | 类型 | 帕默尔指数 |
1 | 无旱 | (-0.5,0.5] |
2 | 初旱 | (-1.0,-0.5] |
3 | 轻旱 | (-2.0,-1.0] |
4 | 中旱 | (-3.0,-2.0] |
5 | 重旱 | (-4.0,-3.0] |
6 | 特旱 | ≤-4.0 |
Tab.1 The grade classification of Palmer drought severity index
等级 | 类型 | 帕默尔指数 |
1 | 无旱 | (-0.5,0.5] |
2 | 初旱 | (-1.0,-0.5] |
3 | 轻旱 | (-2.0,-1.0] |
4 | 中旱 | (-3.0,-2.0] |
5 | 重旱 | (-4.0,-3.0] |
6 | 特旱 | ≤-4.0 |
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