干旱气象 ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 197-208.DOI: 10.11755/j.issn.1006-7639(2024)-02-0197
董元柱1(), 王天河1,2(
), 谭睿琦1, 王思晨1, 焦英姿1, 唐靖宜1
DONG Yuanzhu1(), WANG Tianhe1,2(
), TAN Ruiqi1, WANG Sichen1, JIAO Yingzi1, TANG Jingyi1
董元柱, 王天河, 谭睿琦, 王思晨, 焦英姿, 唐靖宜. 西北干旱区荒漠戈壁两次极端沙尘事件的对比研究[J]. 干旱气象, 2024, 42(2): 197-208.
DONG Yuanzhu, WANG Tianhe, TAN Ruiqi, WANG Sichen, JIAO Yingzi, TANG Jingyi. A comparative study of two extreme dust events in the deserts and gobi regions in the arid regions of northwest China[J]. Journal of Arid Meteorology, 2024, 42(2): 197-208.
图1 塔克拉玛干沙漠(黑色实线框)、戈壁荒漠(黑色虚线框)及气象站点位置
Fig.1 The location of the Taklamakan Desert (black solid line frame), the Gobi Desert (black dotted frame) and the meteorological stations
图2 2005—2021年塔克拉玛干沙漠和戈壁荒漠极端沙尘事件综合强度最大值的年际变化 (黑色圆圈表征综合强度最强的两次极端沙尘事件)
Fig.2 The inter-annual variations of the maximum comprehensive intensity of extreme dust events in the Taklamakan Desert and the Gobi Desert from 2005 to 2021 (The black circles represent the two extreme dust events with the strongest comprehensive intensity)
图3 2005—2021年塔克拉玛干沙漠(a)和戈壁荒漠(b)极端沙尘事件期间不同站点观测的最低能见度年际变化 (黑色圆圈表征综合强度最强的两次极端沙尘事件最低能见度)
Fig.3 The inter-annual variation of minimum visibility observed at different stations during the extreme dust events in the Taklimakan Desert (a) and the Gobi Desert (b) from 2005 to 2021 (The black circle represents the minimum visibility during the two extreme dust events with the strongest comprehensive intensity)
图4 塔克拉玛干沙漠“3·31”事件和戈壁荒漠“3·14”事件期间MODIS日平均气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)的演变 (黑线表示CALIPSO的轨迹)
Fig.4 Evolution of MODIS daily mean aerosol optical depth (AOD) during the “3·31” dust event period in the Taklimakan Desert and the “3·14” dust event period in the Gobi Desert (the black lines denote the track of CALIPSO)
图5 塔克拉玛干沙漠“3·31”事件和戈壁荒漠“3·14”事件期间CALIPSO观测的532 nm总衰减后向散射系数(左)、532 nm消光系数(中)及气溶胶类型(右)分别沿图4中黑色实线的垂直剖面 (右图色标数字1是未确定的气溶胶,2是清洁海洋气溶胶,3是沙尘气溶胶,4是污染大陆气溶胶/烟雾气溶胶,5是清洁大陆气溶胶,6是污染沙尘气溶胶,7是抬升烟雾气溶胶,8是海洋沙尘气溶胶,9是云)
Fig.5 The vertical profiles of the 532 nm total attenuated backscatter coefficient (the left), the 532 nm aerosol extinction coefficient (the middle), and the aerosol types (the right) observed by CALIPSO during the “3·31” dust event period in the Taklimakan Desert and the “3·14” dust event period in the Gobi Desert along the black solid line in fig.4, respectively (For the color bar of the right pictures, the number 1 represents undetermined aerosol, 2 is for clean marine aerosol, 3 is for dust aerosol, 4 is for polluted continental/smoke aerosol, 5 is for clean continental aerosol, 6 is for polluted dust aerosol, 7 is for elevated smoke aerosol, 8 is for marine dust aerosol, and 9 is for cloud)
图6 塔克拉玛干沙漠“3·31”事件爆发前一日(2007年3月30日)(a、c、e、g)及爆发时(2007年3月31日)(b、d、f、h)12:00 500 hPa位势高度场(填色,单位:gpm)和温度场(黑色等值线,单位:℃)(a、b),海平面气压场(填色,单位:hPa)和10 m风场(箭矢,单位:m·s-1)(c、d),10 m风场异常(单位:m·s-1)(e、f)及2 m温度场异常(单位:℃)(g、h) (黑色实线框为塔克拉玛干沙漠区域。下同)
Fig.6 The geopotential height field (color shaded, Unit: gpm) and temperature field (black isolines, Unit: ℃) at 500 hPa (a, b), sea level pressure field (color shaded, Unit: hPa) and 10 m wind field (arrow vectors, Unit: m·s-1) (c, d), 10 m wind field anomalies (Unit: m·s-1) (e, f) and 2 m temperature field anomalies (Unit: ℃) (g, h) on the day before (on 30 March 2007) (a, c, e, g) and at the outbreak (on 31 March 2007) (b, d, f, h) of the “3·31” dust event in the Taklimakan Desert (The black solid line frame is the Taklamakan Desert area. the same as bellow )
图7 戈壁荒漠“3·14”事件爆发前一日(2021年3月13日)(a、c、e、g)及爆发时(2021年3月14日)(b、d、f、h)12:00 500 hPa位势高度场(填色,单位:gpm)和温度场(黑色等值线,单位:℃)(a、b);海平面气压场(填色,单位:hPa)和10 m风场(箭矢,单位:m·s-1)(c、d),10 m风场异常(单位:m·s-1)(e、f)及2 m温度场异常(单位:℃)(g、h) (黑色实线框为戈壁荒漠区域。下同)
Fig.7 The geopotential height field (color shaded, Unit: gpm) and temperature field (black isolines, Unit: ℃) at 500 hPa (a, b), sea level pressure field (color shaded, Unit: hPa) and 10 m wind field (arrow vectors, Unit: m·s-1) (c, d), 10 m wind field anomalies (Unit: m·s-1) (e, f) and 2 m temperature field anomalies (Unit: ℃) (g, h) on the day before (on 13 March 2021) (a, c, e, g) and at the outbreak (on 14 March 2021) (b, d, f, h) of the “3·14” dust event in the Gobi Desert (The black dotted frame is the Taklamakan Desert area. the same as bellow )
图8 塔克拉玛干沙漠“3·31”事件(a、b、c)和戈壁荒漠“3·14”事件(d、e、f)维持期前3日12:00海平面气压场(填色,单位:hPa)、500 hPa位势高度场(黑色等值线,单位:gpm)及850 hPa风场(箭失,单位:m·s-1)
Fig.8 Sea level pressure field (color shaded, Unit: hPa), 500 hPa geopotential height field (black contours, Unit: gpm) and 850 hPa wind field ( arrow vectors, Unit: m·s-1) at 12:00 on the first three days of the maintenance period of the “3·31” dust event in the Taklimakan Desert (a, b, c) and the “3·14” dust event in the Gobi Desert (d, e, f)
图9 参照1992—2021年气候态的塔克拉玛干沙漠“3·31”事件(a、c、e)和戈壁荒漠“3·14”事件(b、d、f)前两周的2 m温度异常(单位:℃)(a, b)、总降水量异常(单位:mm)(c、d)和土壤体积含水量异常(单位:m3·m-3)(e、f)
Fig.9 The 2 m temperature anomaly (Unit: ℃) (a, b), total precipitation anomaly (Unit: mm) (c, d), and soil volumetric water anomaly (Unit: m3·m-3) (e, f) in 2 weeks before the “3·31” dust event in the Taklimakan Desert and the “3·14” dust event in the Gobi Desert with reference to the 1992-2021 climatology
图10 塔克拉玛干沙漠“3·31”事件和戈壁荒漠“3·14”事件前两周在沙尘源区域平均的2 m温度(a)、总降水量(b)和土壤体积含水量(c)
Fig.10 The average 2 m temperature (a), total precipitation (b), and soil volumetric water content (c) in the dust source area in two weeks before the the “3·31” dust event in the Taklimakan Desert and the “3·14” dust event in the Gobi Desert
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