干旱气象 ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 166-179.DOI: 10.11755/j.issn.1006-7639(2024)-02-0166
陆晓娟1(), 王芝兰1,2(
), 张金玉1, 王昀1, 王丽娟1, 胡蝶1, 沙莎1, 王素萍1, 李忆平1
王芝兰(1984—),女,甘肃兰州人,副研究员,主要从事干旱气候变化研究。E-mail: 作者简介:
陆晓娟(1998—),女,甘肃定西人,研究实习员,主要从事干旱成因研究。E-mail: 3214365642@qq.com。
LU Xiaojuan1(), WANG Zhilan1,2(
), ZHANG Jinyu1, WANG Yun1, WANG Lijuan1, HU Die1, SHA Sha1, WANG Suping1, LI Yiping1
2023年春季,我国西南地区发生了严重的气象干旱,对当地社会经济造成严重影响。为深入认识这次干旱事件的成因、并为未来西南地区春旱的预测提供科学依据,本文利用站点观测数据、美国国家环境预测中心和国家大气研究中心(National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research,NCEP/NCAR)再分析数据、美国国家海洋和大气管理局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,NOAA)的海表温度等,采用T-N波作用通量和合成分析等方法,从海温和热带大气季节内振荡(Madden-Julian Oscillation,MJO)的角度深入探讨此次春旱成因。结果表明:(1)2023年我国西南春旱是高温干旱复合事件,3月干旱发生在中部,4月干旱加剧并向西扩展,5月干旱持续。(2)3月北太平洋的马蹄形海温异常导致西风急流偏南偏西,抑制了西南地区的降水。(3)4月印度洋暖海温通过Kelvin波导致孟加拉湾附近的反气旋式环流异常,西北太平洋暖海温通过Rossby波导致南海至菲律宾的气旋式环流异常,造成西南地区南部出现偏北风,导致水汽辐散,加剧干旱。(4)5月MJO长时间维持在西太平洋,通过Gill响应引发南海至菲律宾对流层低层的气旋异常,减少偏南水汽的输送,从而使得西南干旱持续。
陆晓娟, 王芝兰, 张金玉, 王昀, 王丽娟, 胡蝶, 沙莎, 王素萍, 李忆平. 海温和MJO对2023年西南春旱的协同影响[J]. 干旱气象, 2024, 42(2): 166-179.
LU Xiaojuan, WANG Zhilan, ZHANG Jinyu, WANG Yun, WANG Lijuan, HU Die, SHA Sha, WANG Suping, LI Yiping. The synergistic effect of sea temperature and MJO on spring drought in southwestern China in 2023[J]. Journal of Arid Meteorology, 2024, 42(2): 166-179.
图1 2023年春季西南地区中旱及以上(a)、重旱及以上(b)和特旱(c)气象干旱累积日数空间分布(单位:d)
Fig.1 The spatial distribution of cumulative days of meteorological drought with moderate drought and above (a), severe drought and above (b) and extreme drought (c) in southwestern China in the spring of 2023 (Unit: d)
图2 2023年春季全国逐月K干旱指数和逐旬AMSR2微波土壤水分距平百分率(单位:%)
Fig.2 Monthly K drought index and ten-day variation of AMSR2 microwave soil moisture anomalies (Unit: %) in China in spring of 2023
图3 2023年2—6月西南地区不同等级干旱站次比逐日演变
Fig.3 Daily evolution of drought stations frequency ratios at different levels in southwestern China from February to June,2023
图4 2023年3(a)、4(b)、5(c)月西南地区降水距平百分率空间分布(单位:%)
Fig.4 The spatial distribution of percentage of precipitation anomalies in March (a), April (b) and May (c) in 2023 in southwestern China (Unit: %)
图5 2023年3(a)、4(b)、5(c)月西南地区地面气温距平空间分布(单位:℃)
Fig.5 The spatial distribution of surface air temperature anomalies in March (a), April (b) and May (c) in 2023 in southwestern China (Unit: ℃)
图6 2023年3月200 hPa位势高度异常(填色区,单位:gpm)和T-N波作用通量(箭矢,单位:m2·s-2)空间分布(a),200 hPa散度异常(填色区,单位:10-6 s-1)、西风(红色等值线,单位:m·s-1)和气候态西风(绿色等值线,单位:m·s-1)(b) (紫色框线区域为西南地区)
Fig.6 The spatial distribution of geopotential height anomalies (the color shaded, Unit: gpm) and T-N wave activity flux (arrow vectors, Unit: m2·s-2) at 200 hPa (a), divergence anomalies (the color shaded, Unit: 10-6 s-1), westerly winds (red isolines, Unit: m·s-1) and climatology westerly winds (green isolines, Unit: m·s-1) at 200 hPa (b) in March of 2023 (The purple border area indicates southwestern China)
图7 2023年4月200 hPa位势高度异常(填色区,单位:gpm)和T-N波作用通量(箭矢,单位:m2·s-2)(a),OLR异常(填色区,单位:W·m-2)和850 hPa流函数异常(等值线,零线已省略,虚线表示负值,单位:106 m2·s-1)(b),整层水汽通量异常(箭矢,单位:g·m-1·s-1)及其散度(填色,单位:g·m-2·s-1)(c),OLR异常(填色区,单位:W·m-2)、200 hPa位势函数异常(等值线,零线已省略,虚线表示负值,单位:106 m2·s-1)和散度风异常(箭矢,单位:m·s-1)(d)
Fig.7 The spatial distribution of geopotential height anomalies (the color shaded, Unit: gpm) and T-N wave activity flux (arrow vectors, Unit: m2·s-2) at 200 hPa (a), OLR anomalies (the color shaded, Unit: W·m-2) and stream function anomalies at 850 hPa (isolines, zero line not shown, the dotted line represents a negative value, Unit: 106 m2·s-1) (b), integrated water vapor flux (arrow vectors, Unit: g·m-1·s-1) and its divergence (the color shaded, Unit: g·m-2·s-1) (c), OLR anomalies (the color shaded, Unit: W·m-2), potential function anomalies (isolines, zero line not shown, the dotted line represents a negative value, Unit: 106 m2·s-1) and divergent wind anomalies (arrow vectors, Unit: m·s-1) at 200 hPa (d) in April of 2023
图8 2023年5月200 hPa位势高度异常(填色区,单位:gpm)和T-N波作用通量(箭矢,单位:m2·s-2)(a),OLR异常(填色区,单位:W·m-2)和850 hPa流函数异常(等值线,零线已省略,虚线表示负值,单位:106 m2·s-1)(b),整层水汽通量异常(箭矢,单位:g·m-1·s-1)及其散度(填色,单位:g·m-2·s-1)(c),OLR异常(填色区,单位:W·m-2)、200 hPa位势函数异常(等值线,零线已省略,虚线表示负值,单位:106 m2·s-1)和散度风异常(箭矢,单位:m·s-1)(d)
Fig.8 Geopotential height anomalies (the color shaded, Unit: gpm) and T-N wave activity flux (arrow vectors, Unit: m2·s-2) at 200 hPa (a), OLR anomalies (the color shaded, Unit: W·m-2) and stream function anomalies at 850 hPa (isolines, zero line not shown, the dotted line represents a negative value, Unit: 106 m2·s-1) (b), integrated water vapor flux (arrow vectors, Unit:g·m-1·s-1) and its divergence (the color shaded, Unit: g·m-2·s-1) (c), OLR anomalies (the color shaded, Unit: W·m-2), velocity potential anomalies (isolines, zero line not shown, the dotted line represents a negative value, Unit: 106 m2·s-1) and divergent wind anomalies (arrow vectors, Unit: m·s-1) at 200 hPa (d) in May of 2023
图10 2022年1月至2023年8月IOBW和NINO.WEST指数(a)、4月IOBW(b)、NINO.WEST(c)大于等于1个标准差的年份合成的850 hPa流函数异常(等值线,虚线表示负值,单位:106 m2·s-1)及其信度水平(填色区,负值表示流函数为负,单位:%) (红色框线区域为西南地区)
Fig.10 IOBW and NINO.WEST index from January, 2022 to August, 2023 (a), composite of 850 hPa stream function anomalies in the years with IOBW (b) and NINO.WEST (c)greater than or equal to 1 standard deviation in April (isolines, the dotted line represents a negative value, Unit: 106 m2·s-1) and its confidence level (the color shaded, a negative value indicates that the stream function is negative, Unit: %) (The red border area indicates southwestern China)
图11 IOBW和NINO.WEST偏回归得到的2023年4月850 hPa流函数场(单位:106 m2·s-1) (红色框线区域为西南地区)
Fig.11 The 850 hPa stream function field in April 2023 obtained by IOBW and NINO.WEST partial regression (Unit: 106 m2·s-1) (The red border area indicates southwestern China)
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