J4 ›› 2008, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (1): 35-40.

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Meteorolog ica lDa ta Qua lity Con trol and Clima tic Change in Ha idong Area of Qingha i Prov ince

LEI Shengguo1 , SH IXinghe2 ,L IU Rongna1 , HE Zhuoma1   

  1. 1. Haidong M eteorological Observatory of Q inghai Province, Ping’an 810600, China;2. Clim ate Center of Q inghai Province, X i’ning 810001, China
  • Received:2008-01-12 Revised:2008-02-25 Online:2008-03-31 Published:2008-03-31


雷生国1 ,时兴合2 ,刘蓉娜1 ,何卓玛1   

  1. 1. 青海省海东地区气象台,青海 平安 810600; 2. 青海省气候中心,青海 西宁 810001
  • 作者简介:雷生国, (1979 - ) ,男,青海互助人,气象助理工程师,现从事中短期天气预报工作.


The abrup t changes ofmean annual and seasonal temperature, p recip itation in Xi’ning and Haidongwere examined by usingthe method of Yamamoto, meanwhile, the meteorological data were treated homogeneously, and climate change there was discussed.The results show that abrup twarming in mean annual and sp ring temperature occurred in 1996, and an abrup t increasing in sp ring p re2 cip itation took p lace at the beginning of the 1980 s in northern area, while an abrup t increasing in winter p recip itation occurred in the early 1970 s in southern area. There were inveracious abrup t changes inmean temperature in Huangzhong, Huzhu and Datong because of the meteorological stations removing, but this has little impact on p recip itation. The winter temperature increase was the most obvious in Xi’ning and Haidong area, and p recip itation p resented little decreasing trend as a whole.

Key words: climatic change, abrup t change test, meterological data correction, Xi’ning and Haidong area



关键词: 气候变化, 突变检测, 资料订正, 西宁和海东

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