J4 ›› 2010, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (3): 332-337.

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Diagnostic Analysis of a Rare Autumn Snowstorm in Shanxi

 LIU Yao-Wen1 , ZHANG Gong-Yang1, SHI Yun-Fei2, YIN Zhen-Bao1 , MA Zi-Beng3   

  1. 1. Changzhi Meteorological Bureau of Shanxi Province,Changzhi 046000,China; 2. Qingxu Meteorological Station of
    Shanxi Province,Qingxu 030400,China; 3. Xinzhou Meteorological Bureau of Shanxi Province,xinzhou 034000,China
  • Received:2010-04-10 Revised:2010-07-14 Online:2010-09-30 Published:2010-09-30


刘耀文1 ,张红英1 ,史云飞2 ,尹振保1马子平3   

  1. 1. 山西省长治市气象局,山西长治046000; 2. 山西省清徐县气象局,
    山西清徐030404; 3. 山西省忻州市气象局,山西忻州034000
  • 作者简介:刘耀文( 1966 - ) ,男,汉族,工程师,现从事短期预报工作. E - mail: sxlyw1966@ foxmail. com


the snowstorm occurred in Shanxi Province from November 10 to 12,2009 for example,this paper made a diagnostic
Taking the analysis on causes of such extreme weather events from the circulation background,vapor condition,dynamic condition and cloud images change. The results are as follows: ( 1) The snowstorm occurred when north hemisphere circulation presented high index characteristics,
and in most parts of China it was warmer; ( 2) The configuring of convergence at the lower - layer and divergence at the level of
300 hPa caused vertical rise of airflow and formed dynamic condition for the snowstorm; ( 3) The trough at tha level of 500 hPa over
Hetao area leading the cold air moving from west to east and overlaying with the cold air from east at the bottom of polar vortex,rising
airflow from lower layer together with the frontal surface,upper trough and shear line,these all were main causes of this heavy snowstorm;
( 4) There were two lower - level jets at 1 500 meters,a strong east - wind wet jet and a south - wind which provided plentiful
water vapor for the snowstorm area; ( 5) According to the cloud images of FY - 2C satellite,this heavy snowfall had close correlation
with three cloud clusters in the troposphere,the continuous formation and development of convective cloud clusters resulted in the strong snowfall lasting a long time.

Key words: snowstorm, influencing system, diagnostic analysis


对2009 年11 月10 ~ 12 日山西省出现的特大暴雪的环流背景、前期高空环流形势、地面影响系统、水汽条件、动力条件及云图演变等方面进行了诊断分析。结果表明: ①这次极端天气事件发生在10 月下旬到11 月上旬北半球环流呈现明显高指数特征,全国大部分地区异常偏暖的背景下,暴雪伴随剧烈降温天气; ②300 hPa 辐散使得对流层上层具备强烈抽吸条件是造成强降水的重要环境因素。这种低层辐合和高层辐散配置导致的强垂直上升运动是暴雪形成的动力机制; ③500 hPa 河套小槽引导西路冷空气东移与极涡尾部的东路冷空气叠加,低层及地面的倒槽区有辐合上升气流,与锋面和高空槽、切变线配合,为降雪区提供有利的抬升条件,是造成此次暴雪的主要原因; ④1 500 m高空有2 支低空急流存在,一支是较强的东风湿急流,一支是偏南风急流,低空南风和东风急流向暴雪区提供了丰沛的水汽,低层850 hPa 强的水汽辐合、强的上升运动为这次暴雪天气提供了水汽和动力条件; ⑤FY - 2C 卫星红外云图分析,这次强降水山西受到3 个对流云团的影响,3个中尺度对流云团形成和消亡的时间大致间隔8 ~ 10 h ,对流云团的不断生成和发展是这次强降雪天气得以长时间持续。

关键词: 特大暴雪, 影响系统, 诊断分析

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