Journal of Arid Meteorology

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Research on Change Characteristics of Wind Speed at Mid-low Altitude Layer over China Based on Radiosonde Wind Speed Data

CHEN Cheng 1,2, MENG Dan 3, SUN Pengjie3   

  1. (1. Hubei Meteorological Information and Technological Support Center, Wuhan 430074, China;
    2. Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225, China;
    3. Hubei Meteorological Service Center, Wuhan 430074, China)
  • Online:2018-03-05 Published:2018-03-05



  1. (1.湖北省气象信息技术与保障中心,湖北武汉430074;2.成都信息工程大学,四川成都610225;3.湖北省气象服务中心,湖北武汉430205)


Iorder to provide the scientific references for development of wind energy resources in China, the radiosonde wind speed data at 5 mid-low altitude layers including 500 m, 1 000 m, 1 500 m, 2 000 m, 3 000 m from 93 meteorological sounding stations during 1981-2014 were used to analyze annual averaged wind speed and monthly averaged wind speed, and the spatial distribution maps of annual averaged wind speed were drawn, then the change trend and periodical variation were also analyzed. The results are as follows: (1)The highest annual average wind speed occurred in Northeast China, especially near the Changbai Mountain, for the other areas, the annual average wind speed showed decrease trend from coastal areas to inland and from east to west, and got the lowest near the Sichuan Basin. (2)The annual average wind speed increased with height, especially in winter it increased rapidly, while in summer it increased slowly, which resulted that the average wind speed in winter was much higher than that in summer on the layers of 2 000 m and 3 000 m. (3) In Northeast China and East China, the annual average wind speed on 5 layers presented decreasing trend, but only on the layer of 500 m and in Northeast China the decreasing trend passed the significant test (the significant level α=0.05). For other 5 areas, there were both increasing and decreasing trend on all five layers, the proportion of stations with decreasing trends and passing the significance test was more than that of stations with increasing trend. (4) The periods of  annual average wind speed on different layers in all areas ranged from 2 to 6 years, the quasi-2-year period appeared in the 1980s and the quasi-4-year period appeared from the late of the 1990s to the early of the 21th century.

Key words: radiosonde data, mid-low altitude layer, average wind speed, significance, change trend, periodicity


利用全国93个探空站1981—2014年中低空5个高度层(500、1 000、1 500、2 000、3 000 m)的探空风资料,分析各高度层累年平均风速及累年逐月平均风速并绘制全国年平均风速空间分布图,并对趋势性和周期性特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)东北地区风速最大,尤其是长白山附近,其余地区平均风速由沿海向内陆、由东向西逐渐减小,四川盆地附近最小;(2)各地区(站)年平均风速均随高度增加而增加,其中冬季风速随高度迅速增大,夏季风速随高度变化增加缓慢,2 000、3 000 m高度冬季风速远大于夏季风速;(3)东北和华东地区5个高度层的年平均风速均呈减小趋势,但只有东北地区500 m高度通过了0.05显著性检验,其余5个地区5个高度层的年平均风速既有增大趋势也有减小趋势,只是减小趋势及其通过显著性检验的站数略多;(4)各地区不同高度年平均风速的周期均在2~6 a,准2 a周期主要发生在1980年代,准4 a周期主要出现在1990年代后期至2000年代初。

关键词: 关键词:探空资料, 中低空, 平均风速, 显著性, 趋势, 周期

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