Journal of Arid Meteorology

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A Preliminary Study on Estimation of Rainfall in Convective Weather System by
 Using Lightning Location System and Ground Microwave Radiometers Retrivals

SUN Jing1, CAI Ran2,3, CHAI Jian4, XU Gruirong1, GOU Aning5   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Heavy Rain Monitoring and Warning of Hubei Province, Institute of Heavy Rain,
     CMA, Wuhan 430205, China; 2. Shenzhen Meteorological Service Center of Guangdong Province,
     Shenzhen 518000, Guangdong, China; 3. Shenzhen Meteorological Service Center Lightning
    Protection Technology Laboratory, Shenzhen 518000, Guangdong, China; 4. Hubei Lightning Protection Center,
     Wuhan 430074, China; 5. Wuhan Central Meteorological Observatory, Wuhan 430074, China
  • Online:2018-06-30 Published:2018-06-30



  1. .中国气象局武汉暴雨研究所,暴雨监测预警湖北省重点实验室,湖北武汉430205;
    广东深圳518000;4. 湖北省防雷中心,湖北武汉430074;5. 武汉中心气象台,湖北武汉430074


A severe convective weather event occurring in Hubei Province during 14-15 on May 2015 was investigated by using the observations of radar, precipitation gauge, lightning location system and MP-3000A ground microwave radiometer. Then the temporal and spatial distribution of precipitation and lightning, water vapor and liquid water content were analyzed, and the precipitation was estimated based on the lightning data and microwave radiometer observations. The results show that the water vapor density and liquid water content increased significantly before heavy rainfall and the peak of lightning activity preceded rainfall peak about 2 h. The water vapor density had a good correlation with the number of cloud flash and the correlation coefficient was 0.98. In addition, the water vapor density and ground flash (CG) were used to estimate the convective precipitation and the results were superior to that of values based only on CG flash data. Moreover, the convectional rain-yield per flash (RPF) was 1.94×107 kg·fl-1 based on the water vapor density and CG flashes.

Key words:  precipitation, lightning, estimation precipitation, microwave radiometers, rain-yields per flash


利用闪电定位系统、MP-3000A地基微波辐射计、雷达、地面雨量计和探空等观测资料对2015年5月14—15日湖北地区一次强对流过程中降水量、闪电、水汽、液态水含量的时空分布特征等进行分析,并基于闪电和微波辐射计资料联合估算对流性天气中的降水量。结果表明,降水发生前,微波辐射计探测到空中水汽密度和液水含量明显增加,闪电活动峰值提前于降水峰值2 h。水汽密度与云闪数有较好的相关性,相关系数为0.98。利用水汽密度和地闪资料估算对流性降水结果与观测结果比较一致,估测的降水量好于仅用地闪资料的估算,且基于水汽密度、地闪得到的单个闪电表征的降水量为1.94×107 kg·fl-1。

关键词: 降水, 雷电, 估算降水, 微波辐射计, 单个闪电降水量