Journal of Arid Meteorology ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 540-549.DOI: 10.11755/j.issn.1006-7639(2023)-04-0540
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WANG Ying1(), ZHANG Shu1(
), XU Yongqing2, QUE Linjing3, LI Xinhua1, HUANG Yingwei1, CHEN Xue1, WANG Lei1
王莹1(), 张舒1(
), 徐永清2, 阙粼婧3, 李新华1, 黄英伟1, 陈雪1, 王蕾1
CLC Number:
WANG Ying, ZHANG Shu, XU Yongqing, QUE Linjing, LI Xinhua, HUANG Yingwei, CHEN Xue, WANG Lei. Meteorological drought and atmospheric circulation anomalies characteristics in Heilongjiang Province from May to September in recent 50 years[J]. Journal of Arid Meteorology, 2023, 41(4): 540-549.
王莹, 张舒, 徐永清, 阙粼婧, 李新华, 黄英伟, 陈雪, 王蕾. 近50 a黑龙江省5—9月气象干旱及大气环流异常特征[J]. 干旱气象, 2023, 41(4): 540-549.
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Fig.1 Geographical zoning (color filled areas) and distribution of precipitation climate state (black isolines, Unit: mm) during 1990-2020 in Heilongjiang Province
等级 | 类型 | MCI | 干旱影响程度 |
1 | 无旱 | MCI>-0.5 | 地表湿润,作物水分供应充足;地表水资源充足,能满足人们生产、生活需要 |
2 | 轻旱 | -1.0<MCI≤-0.5 | 地表空气干燥,土壤出现水分轻度不足,作物轻微缺水,叶色不正;水资源出现短缺,但对生产、生活影响不大 |
3 | 中旱 | -1.5<MCI≤-1.0 | 土壤表面干燥,土壤出现水分不足,作物叶片出现萎蔫现象;水资源短缺,对生产、生活造成影响 |
4 | 重旱 | -2.0<MCI≤-1.5 | 土壤水分持续严重不足,出现干土层(1~10 cm),作物出现枯死现象;河流出现断流,水资源严重不足,对生产、生活造成较重影响 |
5 | 特旱 | MCI≤-2.0 | 土壤水分持续严重不足,出现较厚干土层(大于10 cm),作物出现大面积枯死;多条河流出现断流,水资源严重不足,对生产、生活造成严重影响 |
Tab.1 Classification of drought grades based on meteorological drought composite index (MCI)
等级 | 类型 | MCI | 干旱影响程度 |
1 | 无旱 | MCI>-0.5 | 地表湿润,作物水分供应充足;地表水资源充足,能满足人们生产、生活需要 |
2 | 轻旱 | -1.0<MCI≤-0.5 | 地表空气干燥,土壤出现水分轻度不足,作物轻微缺水,叶色不正;水资源出现短缺,但对生产、生活影响不大 |
3 | 中旱 | -1.5<MCI≤-1.0 | 土壤表面干燥,土壤出现水分不足,作物叶片出现萎蔫现象;水资源短缺,对生产、生活造成影响 |
4 | 重旱 | -2.0<MCI≤-1.5 | 土壤水分持续严重不足,出现干土层(1~10 cm),作物出现枯死现象;河流出现断流,水资源严重不足,对生产、生活造成较重影响 |
5 | 特旱 | MCI≤-2.0 | 土壤水分持续严重不足,出现较厚干土层(大于10 cm),作物出现大面积枯死;多条河流出现断流,水资源严重不足,对生产、生活造成严重影响 |
Fig.2 Spatial distribution of days of moderate drought and above (a), moderate drought (b), severe drought (c) and extreme drought (d) in Heilongjiang Province from May to September during 1970-2020 (Unit: d)
Fig.3 Spatial distribution of days of moderate drought (a, d, g), severe drought (b, e, h) and extreme drought (c, f, i) in Heilongjiang Province in May (a, b, c), June (d, e, f) and August (g, h, i) from 1970 to 2020 (Unit: d)
Fig.4 The spatial distribution of days of moderate drought (a, d, g), severe drought (b, e, h) and extreme drought (c, f, i) in Heilongjiang Province from May to September in the 1970s (a, b, c), 1990s (d, e, f) and 2010s (g, h, i) (Unit: d)
Fig.6 The standardized time series of days of moderate drought and above and precipitation in Heilongjiang Province from May to September during1970-2020
Fig.7 Synthetic analysis of 500 hPa height anomaly field (a, c, Unit: gpm), 850 hPa wind field anomaly (b, d, Unit: m s-1) in typical dry year (a, b) and wet year (c, d) in Heilongjiang Province and their difference field (e, Unit: gpm; f, Unit: m s-1) (The dotting area passes the significance test at α=0.10. the same as below)
Fig.8 Synthetic analysis of whole layer water vapor flux anomaly in typical dry years (a) and wet years (b) in Heilongjiang Province and their difference field (c) (Unit: kg·m-1·s-1)
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