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  1. 1.民航新疆空中交通管理局气象中心,新疆乌鲁木齐830016;2.新疆巴州气象局,新疆库尔勒841001
  • 出版日期:2016-08-31 发布日期:2016-08-31
  • 作者简介:王清平(1985- ),男,工程师,主要从事西北干旱区航空天气预测及灾害性天气研究. E-mail:wqp1001@163.com
  • 基金资助:


Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective System About a Rare Short-time Rainstorm in
 Bayangol Mongol Autonomous Prefecture of Xinjiang on 4 June 2012

WANG Qingping1, PENG Jun2, Ru Xian Gu Li2   

  1. 1. Meteorological Center of Xinjiang Air Traffic Management Bureau, CAAC, Urumqi 830016, China;
    2. Bayingol Mongol Autonomous Prefecture Meteorological Bureau of Xinjiang, Korla 841001, China
  • Online:2016-08-31 Published:2016-08-31


利用常规观测资料、地面加密自动站资料、FY-2D和FY-2E双星TBB资料、多普勒天气雷达资料、MODIS卫星云图资料以及NCEP/NCAR FNL再分析资料,对2012年6月4日发生在新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州境内的一次罕见短时暴雨天气的MCS特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)此次暴雨过程中,出现了2条明显的中尺度风场辐合线,且风场辐合线的移动与MCS移动方向较为对应;(2)此次暴雨主要是由多个中-β及中-γ尺度对流云团在移动过程中逐渐合并加强造成,暴雨主要发生在TBB等值线密集区,TBB≤-52 ℃区域的形成、发展、消失与暴雨的发生、发展、结束时段对应较好;(3)MCS云团呈现高层辐散、低层辐合的垂直结构,降水区域出现在“人”型回波的尾部,整个降水过程中MCS云团回波强度>50 dBZ。卫星、雷达资料对MCS的发生、发展、移动、消亡等过程有较好的监测意义;(4)暴雨发生前,巴州南部地区不断有水汽输送,在天山山区南侧受地形阻挡作用,将水汽和能量不断抬升至高空,有利于MCS的发展,为暴雨的发生提供了水汽和动力条件。

关键词: 暴雨, 中尺度对流系统, TBB, 雷达回波


Based on the meteorological observation data from weather stations and automatic weather stations, cloud image from MODIS, TBB of FY-2D and FY-2E, reflectivity factor and radial velocity from Doppler weather radar and NCEP/NCAR FNL reanalysis data with 0.5°×0.5° spatial resolution, the characteristics of mesoscale convective system (MCS) during a rare short-time rainstorm in Bayangol Mongol autonomous prefecture of Xinjiang on 4 June 2012 were analyzed. The results are as follows: (1) During the short-time rainstorm, there were two obvious mesoscale convergence lines of wind field, and the moving direction of convergence lines was corresponding to the movement of MCS. (2) The multiple meso-β and meso-γ scale convective cloud clusters gradually merged and strengthened to causing the rainstorm during the moving. Rainstorm mainly occurred in dense isoline zone of TBB, and the formation, development and disappearance of area with TBB≤-52 ℃ was corresponding to the start, duration and end of the rainstorm.(3) The vertical structure of MCS was divergence in upper layer and convergence in low layer, and the rainstorm area occurred in the tail of ‘人’ shape echo, the reflectivity factor of MCS cloud clusters was more than 50 dBZ during the rainfall. The satellite and radar data had better monitoring significance for the formation, movement, development and disappearance of MCS. (4) Before the rainstorm, there was constantly water vapor transport in the south of Bayangol Mongol autonomous prefecture of Xinjiang, the water vapor and energy were continually lifted to the upper layer due to the block of terrain in Tianshan mountains, which was beneficial to the development of MCS, and provided vapour and dynamic condition for the rainstrom.

Key words: rainstorm, mesoscale convective system, TBB, radar echo
