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  1. 1.陕西省气象台,陕西 西安 710014;
    2.江苏省南京市气象局,江苏 南京 210019
  • 出版日期:2016-12-30 发布日期:2016-12-30
  • 作者简介:黄少妮(1981- ),女,陕西西安人,博士,高级工程师,从事天气气候预测、环境气象研究. E-mail:huangshaoni@126.com
  • 基金资助:

    陕西省气象局研究型业务重点科研项目(2015Z-3)和南京市气象科研开发项目(NJ201608) 共同资助

Characteristics of a Severe Haze Pollution Process in Winter of 2013 and Meteorological Cause in Guanzhong of Shaanxi

  1. 1. Shaanxi Meteorological Observatory, Xi’an 710014, China,
    2. Nanjing Meteorological Bureau of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210019, China
  • Online:2016-12-30 Published:2016-12-30


利用陕西关中多站气象观测资料和颗粒物浓度监测资料,对2013年12月16—26日关中一次持续多日重霾污染天气过程的颗粒物污染特征及气象条件进行统计分析。结果表明,此次重霾污染事件主要是由细粒子PM2.5造成。关中各站颗粒物浓度在污染过程中的变化具有区域同步性特征,各站PM2.5浓度日均值的相关系数达0.71~0.96,且严重超标,区域最高小时浓度均值达508 μg·m-3,污染非常严重。关中盆地特殊的喇叭口地形以及关中东部持续的强东风使得区域污染传输叠加本地污染循环累积,是17日关中各站PM2.5浓度剧增的主要原因。污染严重阶段,西安和渭南持续的弱风和静风使得局地排放的污染物聚集,引起PM2.5浓度振荡上扬;宝鸡21日PM2.5浓度的爆发式增长则是由上游西安和渭南储备的高浓度PM2.5在持续偏东风作用下远程传输所致;而铜川受山谷风影响,PM2.5浓度具有显著日变化特征。长时间贴地、悬浮的多层逆温和低混合层高度的存在,抑制了污染物的垂直扩散,也造成低空水汽聚集在近地层,是PM2.5浓度持续累积增长的重要原因。关中此次重霾污染的快速有效清除最终依赖于冷高压加强南下。

关键词: 关中, 霾天气, 细粒子污染, 气象要素


Based on the meteorological data and particulate matter concentration monitoring data in Xi’an, Baoji, Weinan and Tongchuan of Guanzhong, the evolution characteristics of particulate matter concentration and meteorological condition of a severe haze pollution occurred from 16 to 26 December 2013 in Guanzhong were analyzed. The results showed that the severe haze pollution episode was mainly caused by fine paticulate matter (PM2.5). The variations of PM2.5 concentration at 4 stations of Guanzhong during the haze pollution process showed regional synchronicity characteristics, the correlation coefficients of daily PM2.5 concentrations each other were 0.71-0.96, and PM2.5 concentrations seriously exceeded the national standard, the maximum of hourly regional mean in Guangzhong was 508 μg·m-3, which indicated the pollution was very serious. Under the influence of the special topography of Guanzhong basin and persistent strong easterly wind in eastern Guanzhong, the ecdemic pollutants were transferred to Guanzhong, and circularly accumulated, which brought the dramatic increase of PM2.5 concentration on 17 December 2013. During the severe stage of pollution, the persistent weak easterly winds and calm winds in Weinan and Xi’an caused the gathering of pollutants, and then PM2.5 concentraion increased with a fluctuating way. And PM2.5 concentraion explosively increased on 21 December 2013 in Baoji due to the ecdemic long-distance transport of PM2.5 with high concentraion in Xi’an and Weinan by the easterly winds. However, the diurnal variation of PM2.5 concentration in Tongchuan was significant due to mountain-valley wind. The multi-layer temperature inversion for a long time and lower mixing layer height restrained the vertical diffusion of pollutants and gathered vapors in the near surface layer, which induced the accumulation of PM2.5 pollutants. The strengthening and moving of cold high pressure to south removed quickly and effectively the pollutants in the process of severe haze finally.

Key words: Guanzhong, haze weather, PM2.5 pollution, meteorological factors
