J4 ›› 2011, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 483-487.
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CHEN Liang1,CHEN Kelong1,LIU Baokang2,HOU Guangliang1,CAO Shengkui1,HAN Yanli1,YANG Long1,WU Yanpeng1
陈亮1 ,陈克龙1 ,刘宝康2 ,侯光良1 ,曹生奎1 ,韩艳丽1 ,杨龙1 ,武彦朋1
国家社会科学基金项目( 08XJY012) 及国家科技支撑项目( 2007BAC03A08 - 5 子项目) 共同资助
Under the background of global warming,based on the meteorological data at the four meteorological stations in Qinghai Lake Basin,the response on global warming in Qinghai Lake Basin during the recent 50 years was analyzed by using the methods of temperature anomaly and precipitation anomaly percentage,and combined with the change of water levels of Qinghai Lake. The results are as follows: ( 1) The annual mean temperature had the increasing trend with the linear rate of 0. 28 ℃ /10 a in Qinghai Lake Basin,and the temperature anomaly of the 30 days moving average indicated that the temperature fluctuated obviously in recent 10 years; ( 2) The precipitation in Qinghai Lake Basin in the past 50 years fluctuated in general with no significant increasing trend and its standard climate value was 379. 1 mm; ( 3) The average annual evaporation was 895. 4 mm in the whole Qinghai Lake Basin; ( 4) Warming and dry in the Qinghai Lake Basin led to increase of the Lake evaporation,which resulted in water level of Qinghai Lake decline in nearly 50 years with the rate of 0. 79 m/10 a.
Key words: Qinghai Lake Basin, climatic change;
利用青海湖流域4 个站点的观测资料,运用气温距平法和降水距平百分率法,并结合青海湖水位变化,就近50 a 来青海湖流域生态环境对全球变暖的响应进行了分析。结果表明: ( 1) 近50 a 来青海湖流域年平均温度呈上升趋势,线性升温率为0. 28 ℃ /10 a; 日气温距平的30 d 移动平均表明近10 a 来气温波动明显; ( 2) 近50 a 来青海湖流域降水量总体上呈波动变化,没有明显的增多趋势,标准气候值为379. 1 mm; ( 3) 整个流域年蒸发量平均为895. 4 mm,明显大于降水量; ( 4) 由于青海湖流域气候的干暖化使得青海湖蒸发量阶段性升高,导致了近50 a 青海湖水面高程不断下降,下降速率为0. 79 m/10 a。
关键词: 青海湖流域, 气候变化, 全球变暖
CLC Number:
陈亮 ,陈克龙,刘宝康 ,侯光良 ,曹生奎 ,韩艳丽 ,杨龙,武彦朋. 近50 a 青海湖流域气候变化特征分析[J]. J4, 2011, 29(4): 483-487.
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