J4 ›› 2011, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 407-415.

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Influence of Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies in the Southern Hemisphere on May Precipitation in Yunnan

ZHANG Jinwen1,YAN Huasheng1,LIAO Liufeng1,YAO Yu2,YANG Zhuyun1   

  1. 1. Atmospheric Science Department,Yunnan University,Kunming 650091,China;
    2. Kunming Meteorological Bureau of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650034,China.
  • Received:2011-09-13 Revised:2011-11-07 Online:2011-12-31 Published:2011-12-31

前期南半球大气环流异常对云南5 月降水的影响

张瑾文1严华生1 ,廖留峰1 姚愚2杨竹云1   

  1. 1. 云南大学大气科学系,云南昆明650091; 2. 云南昆明市气象局,云南昆明650034.
  • 作者简介: 张瑾文( 1986 - ) ,女,云南人,硕士生,主要从事旱涝研究与气候变化的研究. E - mail: jenifferkm@163. com
  • 基金资助:

    国家自然科学基金项目( 41075072) 和云南大学研究生科研课题项目( ynuy201051) 资助


Based on NCEP/NCAR monthly global reanalysis data and May precipitation of 124 meteorological stations in Yunan during
1961 to 2006,this research reveals atmospheric circulation of the southern hemisphere from January to April influences on May precipitation
of Yunnan. The results show there was a significantly positive correlation between the north line of Antarctic Circumpolar Wave in
January and May precipitation in Yunnan,and in January and February,the influencing significant key area was located in the southern
hemisphere mid - latitude westerly belt,when the southern hemisphere mid - latitude westerlies geopotential height was higher( lower) ,
May precipitation would be more ( less) . In March,the key area was located in the Antarctic,when the Antarctic polar vortex geopotential
height was higher( lower) ,May precipitation would be more ( less) . In April,southern hemisphere middle and high latitude circulation
influence weakened,but influences of tropical Pacific enhanced,when the Southern Oscillation in the positive ( negative)
phase,May precipitation would be more( less) . From January to April,meridional wave structure appeared over the Pacific,the wave
was basically consistent from low level to high level in troposphere and changed with the time,the Pacific region would be another influencing
key area for May precipitation of Yunnan.

Key words:  atmospheric circulation in the southern hemisphere, May precipitation of Yunnan, Southern Oscillation ( SO), AntarcticCircumpolar Wave ( ACW), significantly key area


 利用1961 ~ 2006 年NCEP/NCAR 全球月平均再分析资料以及云南省124 站5 月降水资料,研究前期1 ~ 4 月南半球大气环流对云南5 月降水的影响。结果表明: 前期1 ~ 2 月影响的关键区主要位于南半球中纬西风带,当南半球中纬西风带位势高度偏高( 低) 时,5月降水易偏多( 少) ,前期1月,南极绕极波北线与5 月降水显著正相关。前期3 月,南极地区影响显著,到前期4 月时,南半球中高纬环流的影响减弱,热带太平洋的影响加强,当南方涛动处于正( 负) 位相时,5 月降水易偏多( 少) 。前期1 ~ 4 月,太平洋上空出现经向分布的波列结构,该波列结构在对流层低层到高层都存在且随时间不断变化,太平洋地区有可能是影响5 月降水旱涝异常的另一个的关键区。

关键词: 南半球大气环流, 云南5 月降水, 南方涛动( SO), 南极绕极波, 显著关键区

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