干旱气象 ›› 2022, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 909-921.DOI: 10.11755/j.issn.1006-7639(2022)-06-0909
傅朝(), 刘维成(
), 宋兴宇, 徐丽丽, 沙宏娥, 马莉, 崔宇
傅朝(1967—),男,正研级高级工程师,主要从事强对流天气的分析研究. E-mail:dry52889@hotmail.com。
FU Zhao(), LIU Weicheng(
), SONG Xingyu, XU Lili, SHA Honge, MA Li, CUI Yu
LIU Weicheng
干旱地区极端降水事件往往会造成巨大的人员伤亡和经济损失,研究其演变特征及成因有利于提升该类天气的预报准确率。2022年8月13日西北干旱区甘肃省金塔县出现暴雨天气,日降水量和小时降水量均突破河西走廊国家级气象站历史极值,极端性、局地性特征显著。利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,ECMWF)第5代全球大气再分析产品ERA5和实况观测资料对其成因进行分析。结果表明:暴雨出现在稳定的南亚高压北侧,对流层中、高层动力强迫较弱,斜压系统主要位于低层,为500 hPa短波槽前的低层切变线和地面冷锋;青藏高原热低压外围的低层水汽持续输送,形成了暴雨区局地性的极端水汽条件和中等强度的层结不稳定;地面冷锋前部,酒泉中东部低层水汽输送的区域差异形成了明显的湿度锋区和干线;造成极端短时强降水的中-γ尺度对流系统由干线触发,在冷锋和干线的交叉点处发展为导致极端暴雨的深厚湿对流,干线对流单体发展到深厚湿对流过程具有显著局地性特征。
傅朝, 刘维成, 宋兴宇, 徐丽丽, 沙宏娥, 马莉, 崔宇. 西北干旱区一次极端暴雨局地性增强的对流环境特征[J]. 干旱气象, 2022, 40(6): 909-921.
FU Zhao, LIU Weicheng, SONG Xingyu, XU Lili, SHA Honge, MA Li, CUI Yu. Local enhanced convective environment characteristics of an extreme rainstorm event in arid region of Northwest China[J]. Journal of Arid Meteorology, 2022, 40(6): 909-921.
图1 2022年8月12日08:00至13日08:00甘肃河西地区24 h累计降水量空间分布(a,单位:mm)和金塔站及近郊区域自动气象站小时降水量演变(b) [图1(a)虚线所围区域为酒泉市肃州区和金塔县]
Fig.1 The spatial distribution of 24-hour accumulated precipitation in Hexi of Gansu Province from 08:00 BST 12 to 08:00 BST 13 August 2022 (Unit: mm) (a) and the evolution of hourly precipitation at Jinta station and its suburban regional automatic meteorological stations (The area enclosed by the dotted line in Fig.1(a) is Suzhou District and Jinta County of Jiuquan City)
图2 2022年8月12日08:00(a)、20:00(b)200 hPa位势高度(等值线,单位:dagpm)和散度(彩色填色区,单位:10-5 s-1),12日20:00(c)、13日08:00(d)500 hPa位势高度(黑色等值线,单位:dagpm)、温度(红色等值线,单位:℃)和风场(风矢,单位:m·s-1) (蓝点代表金塔站位置,下同)
Fig.2 The geopotential height (isolines, Unit: dagpm) and divergence (color shaded areas, Unit: 10-5 s-1) at 200 hPa at 08:00 BST (a), 20:00 BST (b) 12 August, and 500 hPa geopotential height (black isolines, Unit: dagpm), temperature (red isolines, Unit: ℃) and wind field (wind vectors, Unit: m·s-1) at 20:00 BST 12 August (c) and at 08:00 BST 13 August (d) 2022 (The blue dot represents the location of the Jinta station. the same as below)
图3 2022年8月12日20:00 700 hPa位势高度(黑色等值线,单位:dagpm)、温度(红色等值线,单位:℃)、切变线(棕色实线)、显著流线(黑色箭头线)(a)和海平面气压(等值线,单位:hPa)、显著流线(黑色箭头线)、地面冷锋(蓝色齿线)(b)
Fig.3 700 hPa geopotential height (black isolines, Unit: dagpm), temperature (red isolines, Unit: ℃), shear line (brown solid lines), significant streamline (black arrow lines) (a), and sea level pressure (isolines, Unit: hPa), significant streamline (black arrow line), surface cold front (blue tooth-line) (b) at 20:00 BST 12 August 2022
图4 2022年8月12日20:00(a)、13日02:00(b)700 hPa流线(箭头线)和比湿(彩色填色区,单位:g·kg-1) (灰色填充区的地面气压小于700 hPa)
Fig.4 700 hPa streamline (arrow lines) and specific humidity (color shaded areas, Unit: g·kg-1) at 20:00 BST 12 August (a) and 02:00 BST 13 August (b) 2022 (The surface pressure in gray filled area is less than 700 hPa)
图5 2022年8月12日20:00(a、c)、13日00:00(b、d)700 hPa比湿(等值线,单位:g·kg-1)、水汽通量散度(彩色填色区,单位:10-7 g·hPa-1·cm-2·s-1)、风场(箭矢,单位:m·s-1)(a、b)和整层大气可降水量(单位:mm)(c、d) [图5(a)、图5(b)中灰色填充区的地面气压小于700 hPa]
Fig.5 The specific humidity (isolines, Unit: g·kg-1), vapor flux divergence (color shaded areas, Unit: 10-7 g·hPa-1·cm-2·s-1), wind field (arrow vectors, Unit: m·s-1) at 700 hPa (a, b), and whole layer integrated atmospheric precipitable water (Unit: mm) (c, d) at 20:00 BST 12 August (a, c) and 00:00 BST 13 August (b, d) 2022 [The surface pressure for the gray filled areas in Fig. 5(a) and Fig. 5(b) is less than 700 hPa]
图6 2022年8月12日20:00(a、c)和13日00:00(b、d)金塔站T-ln P图(a、b)和对流有效位能(CAPE)(单位:J·kg-1)(c、d) (红实线为层结曲线,黑实线为状态曲线,绿实线为露点温度线)
Fig.6 T-ln P diagram (a, b) at Jinta station and convective effective potential energy (CAPE) (Unit: J·kg-1) (c, d) at 20:00 BST 12 August (a, c) and 00:00 BST on 13 August (b, d) 2022 (The red, black, green solid lines are stratification curve, state curve and dew point temperature, respectively)
图7 2022年8月12日10:00至13日10:00金塔站比湿(等值线,单位:g·kg-1)、假相当位温(彩色填色区,单位:K)及风场(风矢,单位:m·s-1)时间-高度剖面
Fig.7 The time-height cross-section of specific humidity (isolines,Unit: g·kg-1), pseudo-equivalent potential temperature (color shaded areas, Unit: K) and wind field (wind vectors, Unit: m·s-1) at Jinta station from 10:00 BST 12 August to 10:00 BST 13 August 2022
图8 2022年8月12日20:01(a)、20:58(b)、22:01(c)、22:58(d)及13日00:01(e)、01:03(f)、02:00(g)、03:03(h)嘉峪关雷达站组合反射率因子(单位:dBZ) (黑色三角形代表金塔站,英文大写字符用红色线段指向所代表的对流单体或系统)
Fig.8 The combined reflectivity factor from Jiayuguan radar station at 20:01 BST (a), 20:58 BST (b), 22:01 BST (c), 22:58 BST (d) 12 August and 00:01 BST (e), 01:03 BST (f), 02:00 BST (g), 03:03 BST (h) 13 August 2022 (Unit: dBZ) (The black triangle represents Jinta station, the English capital letters connected by red line represent convective cells or systems)
图9 2022年8月12日21:33对流单体A(a)和13日00:29(b)、02:12(c)对流单体D的雷达反射率因子垂直剖面(单位:dBZ)
Fig.9 The vertical profile of radar reflectivity factor of convective cell A at 21:33 BST on August 12 (a) and convective cell D at 00:29 BST (b) and 02:12 BST (c) on August 13, 2022 (Unit: dBZ)
图10 2022年8月12日20:00 850 hPa比湿(等值线,单位:g·kg-1)、温度(彩色填色区,单位:℃)、风场(箭矢,单位:m·s-1)(a)和地面大于等于12 ℃露点温度(黑色等值线,单位:℃)、冷锋(蓝色齿线)、干线(黑色圆齿线)(b) (灰色区域的地面气压小于850 hPa)
Fig.10 The specific humidity (isolines, Unit: g·kg-1), temperature (color shaded areas, Unit: ℃), wind field (arrow vectors, Unit: m·s-1) at 850hPa (a), and surface dewpoint temperature greater than or equal to 12 ℃(black isolines, Unit: ℃), cold front (blue tooth-line), dryline (black circular tooth-line) (b) at 20:00 BST on August 12, 2022 (The surface pressure in gray area is less than 850 hPa.)
图11 2022年8月12日20:00 850 hPa比湿(绿色等值线,单位g·kg-1)、锋生函数(彩色填色区,单位K·m-1·s-1)、风场(箭矢,单位:m·s-1)(a)和锋生函数(彩色填色区,单位:K·m-1·s-1)、垂直速度(灰色等值线,单位:hPa·s-1)、风场(箭矢,水平风在剖面方向投影与垂直速度合成,单位:m·s-1)垂直剖面(b) [图11(a)灰色填充区的地面气压小于700 hPa;图11(b)的左上角为剖线示意图,黑色区域为地形。下同]
Fig.11 The specific humidity(green isolines, Unit: g·kg-1), frontogenesis function (color shaded areas, Unit: K·m-1·s-1), wind vector (arrow vectors, Unit:m·s-1) at 850hPa (a), and vertical profiles of frontogenesis function (color shaded areas, Unit: K·m-1·s-1), vertical velocity (gray isolines, Unit: hPa·s-1), wind (arrow vector , the composite of vertical velocity with the projection of horizontal wind,Unit:m·s-1) (b) at 20:00 BST on August 12, 2022 (The surface pressure for the gray filled areas in Fig. 11(a) is less than 700 hPa;the left corner in Fig. 11 (b) is diagram of the profile line and the black areas for the terrain. the same as below)
图12 2022年8月12日22:00 850 hPa比湿(等值线,单位g·kg-1)、锋生函数(彩色填色区,单位K·m-1·s-1)、风(箭矢,单位:m·s-1)(a)和23:00地面大于等于12 ℃露点温度(黑色等值线,单位:℃)、冷锋(蓝色齿线)、干线(黑色圆齿线)(b)以及12日23:00(c)和13日00:00(d)锋生函数(彩色填色区,单位:K·m-1·s-1)、垂直速度(等值线,单位:hPa·s-1)、风(箭矢,水平风在剖面方向投影与垂直速度合成,单位:m·s-1)的垂直剖面 (红色字母T是冷锋和干线的三分点位置)
Fig.12 The specific humidity (isolines, Unit: g·kg-1) and frontogenesis function (color shaded areas, Unit:K·m-1·s-1), wind (arrow vector , Unit:m·s-1) at 850 hPa at 22:00 BST on August 12 (a), surface dewpoint temperature greater than or equal to 12 ℃ (black isolines, Unit: ℃), cold front (blue tooth-line), dryline (black circular tooth-line) at 23:00 BST on August 12 (b),and vertical profiles of frontogenesis function (color shaded areas, Unit: K·m-1·s-1), vertical velocity (gray isolines, Unit: hPa·s-1), wind (arrow vector, composite of vertical velocity with projection of horizontal wind on the profile, Unit: m·s-1) at 23:00 BST on August 12 (c) and 00:00 BST on August 13 (d), 2022 (The red letter T is three-point position of the cold front and the dryline)
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