姜舒婕, 程莹, 方楠, 周毓荃, 单中华, 张磊

Construction of artificial precipitation demand level index of the reservoir based on drought and water level characteristics
JIANG Shujie, CHENG Ying, FANG Nan, ZHOU Yuquan, SHAN Zhonghua, ZHANG Lei
表4 DLI等级与增雨需求程度对应表
Tab.4 The demand level index grades and corresponding demand degree of artificial precipitation enhancement
DLI等级 WLI等级 DI等级 增雨需求程度
1 1~2 1~2 无需求
2 1 3~5 轻度需求
2 3
3 1~2
3 2 4~5 中度需求
3 3~4
4 3 5 高度需求
4 1~3
5 1
5 4 4~5 强烈需求
5 2~5