叶茂, 吴钲, 高松, 陈良吕, 游婷

Analysis on precipitation forecast performance of convective-scale ensemble system in Sichuan-Chongqing region
YE Mao, WU Zheng, GAO Song, CHEN Lianglü, YOU Ting
图6 2020—2021年逐次强降水过程08:00起报的36 h时效(a、b)和20:00起报的48 h时效(c、d)大雨(a、c)和暴雨(b、d)量级降水的CSI
Fig.6 The CSI of heavy rain (a, c) and rainstorm (b, d) forecast for each heavy rainfall process with lead time of 36 h (a, b) starting at 08:00 and 48 h (c, d) starting at 20:00 from 2020 to 2021