吴薇, 黄晓龙, 徐晓莉, 李施颖, 杜冰, 蒋雨荷

Comprehensive assessment of influencing factors of precipitation real-time analysis products in Sichuan
WU Wei, HUANG Xiaolong, XU Xiaoli, LI Shiying, DU Bing, JIANG Yuhe
表5 筛选后指标的主成分特征值及方差贡献率
Tab.5 Principal component eigenvalues and variance contribution rate of screened indicators
主成分 特征值 方差贡献率% 累积方差贡献率%
1 1.810 36.207 36.207
2 1.394 27.882 64.089
3 0.718 14.358 78.447
4 0.588 11.750 90.197
5 0.490 9.803 100.000