彭力1,2,4(), 赵强3,4, 乔丹杨4,5, 张雄1,2, 徐浩天1,2, 倪闻1,2
Comparative analysis on characteristics of rainstorms caused by northwest vortex in Shaanxi with and without influence of typhoon
PENG Li1,2,4(), ZHAO Qiang3,4, QIAO Danyang4,5, ZHANG Xiong1,2, XU Haotian1,2, NI Wen1,2

图8. 有台风影响(a)与无台风影响(b)时陕西西北涡暴雨环流配置

Fig.8. The circulation situation configuration for rainstorms caused by northwest vortex with (a) and without (b) typhoon influence in Shaanxi