陈小婷1,2(), 赵强1,2(), 刘慧1, 彭力3
Analysis of water vapor characteristics of two different types of rainstorms over the Loess Plateau
CHEN Xiaoting1,2(), ZHAO Qiang1,2(), LIU Hui1, PENG Li3

图6. 2022年7月11日08:00(a、b)和8月9日02:00(c、d) 700 hPa(a、c)和850 hPa(b、d)水汽通量(箭矢,单位:10-1 kg·hPa-1·m-1·s-1)及其散度(彩色填色区,单位:10-6 kg·hPa-1·m-2·s-1

Fig.6. 700 hPa (a, c) and 850 hPa (b, d) water vapor flux (arrow, Unit:10-1 kg·hPa-1·m-1·s-1) and its divergence (color shaded areas,Unit:10-6 kg·hPa-1·m-2·s-1) at 08:00 BST 11 July (a, b) and 02:00 BST 9 August (c,d) 2022