李晨蕊1(), 伏晶1(), 刘维成1, 王基鑫1, 王一丞1, 傅朝1, 郑新2
Cloud characteristics analysis of a torrential rainfall event use FY satellite in semi-arid region of Eastern Gansu Province
LI Chenrui1(), FU Jing1(), LIU Weicheng1, WANG Jixin1, WANG Yicheng1, FU Zhao1, ZHEN Xin2

图1. 2022年7月14日20:00至15日20:00陇东及其周边地区24 h累计降水量空间分布(单位:mm)

Fig.1. The spatial distribution of 24 h cumulative precipitation from 20:00 BST on 14 to 20:00 BST on 15 July 2022 in Eastern Gansu and its surrounding areas (Unit: mm)
(The black pentagram for 5 regional stations geography location. the same as below )