傅朝(), 刘维成(), 宋兴宇, 徐丽丽, 沙宏娥, 马莉, 崔宇
Local enhanced convective environment characteristics of an extreme rainstorm event in arid region of Northwest China
FU Zhao(), LIU Weicheng(), SONG Xingyu, XU Lili, SHA Honge, MA Li, CUI Yu

图11. 2022年8月12日20:00 850 hPa比湿(绿色等值线,单位g·kg-1)、锋生函数(彩色填色区,单位K·m-1·s-1)、风场(箭矢,单位:m·s-1)(a)和锋生函数(彩色填色区,单位:K·m-1·s-1)、垂直速度(灰色等值线,单位:hPa·s-1)、风场(箭矢,水平风在剖面方向投影与垂直速度合成,单位:m·s-1)垂直剖面(b)
[图11(a)灰色填充区的地面气压小于700 hPa;图11(b)的左上角为剖线示意图,黑色区域为地形。下同]

Fig.11. The specific humidity(green isolines, Unit: g·kg-1), frontogenesis function (color shaded areas, Unit: K·m-1·s-1), wind vector (arrow vectors, Unit:m·s-1) at 850hPa (a), and vertical profiles of frontogenesis function (color shaded areas, Unit: K·m-1·s-1), vertical velocity (gray isolines, Unit: hPa·s-1), wind (arrow vector , the composite of vertical velocity with the projection of horizontal wind,Unit:m·s-1) (b) at 20:00 BST on August 12, 2022
(The surface pressure for the gray filled areas in Fig. 11(a) is less than 700 hPa;the left corner in Fig. 11 (b) is diagram of the profile line and the black areas for the terrain. the same as below)