傅朝(), 刘维成(), 宋兴宇, 徐丽丽, 沙宏娥, 马莉, 崔宇
Local enhanced convective environment characteristics of an extreme rainstorm event in arid region of Northwest China
FU Zhao(), LIU Weicheng(), SONG Xingyu, XU Lili, SHA Honge, MA Li, CUI Yu

图1. 2022年8月12日08:00至13日08:00甘肃河西地区24 h累计降水量空间分布(a,单位:mm)和金塔站及近郊区域自动气象站小时降水量演变(b)

Fig.1. The spatial distribution of 24-hour accumulated precipitation in Hexi of Gansu Province from 08:00 BST 12 to 08:00 BST 13 August 2022 (Unit: mm) (a) and the evolution of hourly precipitation at Jinta station and its suburban regional automatic meteorological stations
(The area enclosed by the dotted line in Fig.1(a) is Suzhou District and Jinta County of Jiuquan City)