于慧珍1,2(), 马艳1,2(), 韩旭卿3, 时晓曚1,2
Forecast and diagnosis analysis of the turning of Typhoon Yagi track
YU Huizhen1,2(), MA Yan1,2(), HAN Xuqing3, SHI Xiaomeng1,2

图6. 2018年8月13日02:00(a、b、c)和13日08:00(d、e、f)925~200 hPa平均假相当位温θse(a、d)及其大尺度(b、e)和风暴尺度(c、f)分量(单位:K)

Fig.6. The mean θse during 925-200 hPa (a, d) and its large scale (b, e) and storm scale (c, f) components at 02:00 BST 13 (a, b, c) and 08:00 BST 13 (d, e, f) August 2018 (Unit: K)
(The green line and grey line represent the central axis direction and distribution trend of high energy region of θse respectively, the green cross denotes the typhoon location at the corresponding time)