温晓培, 吴炜, 李昌义, 李季, 肖明静, 刘诗军, 朱文刚

Influences of updated land-use datasets on WRF simulations for high-temperature weather in Sichuan Basin
WEN Xiaopei, WU Wei, LI Changyi, LI Ji, XiAO Mingjing, LIU Shijun, ZHU Wengang
图8 两组试验模拟的2019年8月17日16:00位温(等值线,单位:K)和垂直速度W(彩色填色区,单位:m·s-1)沿30°N经度-高度剖面
(a) CTRL, (b) MODIS2019
Fig.8 Lontitude-height cross sections of potential temperature (isoline,Unit: K) and vertical velocity (color shaded areas,Unit:m·s-1) simulated by two groups of experiments along 30°N at 16:00 BST on 17 August 2019
(a) CTRL, (b) MODIS2019