李忆平, 张金玉, 岳平, 王素萍, 查鹏飞, 王丽娟, 沙莎, 张良, 曾鼎文, 任余龙, 胡蝶

Study on characteristics of severe drought event over Yangtze River Basin in summer of 2022 and its causes
LI Yiping, ZHANG Jinyu, YUE Ping, WANG Suping, ZHA Pengfei, WANG Lijuan, SHA Sha, ZHANG Liang, ZENG Dingwen, REN Yulong, HU Die
图7 CABLE模式模拟的2022年夏季长江流域旱情最严重区的区域平均逐旬土壤湿度百分位数距平
Fig.7 The ten-day soil moisture percentile anomaly averaged in area with the most severe drought over the Yangtze River Basin in summer of 2022 simulated by CABLE model