李忆平, 张金玉, 岳平, 王素萍, 查鹏飞, 王丽娟, 沙莎, 张良, 曾鼎文, 任余龙, 胡蝶

Study on characteristics of severe drought event over Yangtze River Basin in summer of 2022 and its causes
LI Yiping, ZHANG Jinyu, YUE Ping, WANG Suping, ZHA Pengfei, WANG Lijuan, SHA Sha, ZHANG Liang, ZENG Dingwen, REN Yulong, HU Die
图11 2022年7月上旬至8月下旬对流层整层(1000~300 hPa)水汽输送通量(矢量,单位:kg·m-1·s-1)及其散度距平场(填色区,单位:10-5 kg·m-2·s-1)的逐旬变化
Fig.11 Ten-day variation of integrated water vapor flux (vectors, Unit: kg·m-1·s-1) and water vapor flux divergence anomaly (the color shaded, Unit: 10-5kg·m-2·s-1) in the whole troposphere (1000-300 hPa) from early July to late August in 2022
(a) the first ten-day of July, (b) the middle ten-day of July, (c) the last ten-day of July, (d) the first ten-day of August, (e) the middle ten-day of August, (f) the last ten-day of August