姬雪帅, 王丽婧, 郭宏, 康博思, 黄山江, 张曦丹, 郭旭晖

Analysis of characteristics of precipitation phase during a rain-snow weather process in Zhangjiakou based on multi-source observation data
JI Xueshuai, WANG Lijing, GUO Hong, KANG Bosi, HUANG Shanjiang, ZHANG Xidan, GUO Xuhui
图4 Ka波段云雷达降雨阶段(a、c、e)及降雪阶段(b、d、f)反射率因子(a、b,单位:dBZ)、液态水含量(c、d,单位:g·m-3)与基本速度(e、f,单位:m·s-1
Fig.4 The reflectivity (a, b, Unit: dBZ), liquid water content (c, d, Unit: g·m-3) and base velocity (e, f, Unit: m·s-1) during rainfall stage (a, c, e) and snowfall stage (b, d, f) retrieved from Ka-band cloud radar data