沈晓燕, 申燕玲, 权晨, 杜华礼, 颜玉倩

Verification and comparison of different methods to prediction performance of model products during the heavy precipitations in 2020 in Qinghai Province
SHEN Xiaoyan, SHEN Yanling, QUAN Chen, DU Huali, YAN Yuqian
图5 2020年8月青海省3次暴雨天气个例的降水分析产品和模式预报产品(单位:mm)
(从上至下依次是CMPAS和ECMWF、NCEP、CMA-GFS、GRAPES-Meso, 从左至右依次为case1、case2、case3)
Fig.5 The precipitation analysis product and forecast products of model for three rainstorm weather cases in Qinghai Province in August 2020 (Unit: mm)
(The precipitation products are CMPAS, ECMWF, NCEP, CMA-GFS and GRAPES-Meso from top to bottom in turn; the cases are case1, case2 and case3 from left to right in turn)