黄莹, 杨建玲, 孙银川, 王璠, 王素艳, 王岱

Influence of external forcing factors on first frost date and its predition in Ningxia
HUANG Ying, YANG Jianling, SUN Yinchuan, WANG Fan, WANG Suyan, WANG Dai
图1 1981—2019年7月(a、d、g)、8月(b、e、h)、9月(c、f、i)宁夏初霜冻偏晚年(a、b、c)、偏早年(d、e、f)的SST距平合成分布及其差值分布(g、h、i)(单位:℃)
Fig.1 The composite anomaly distribution of SST in July (a, d, g), August (b, e, h) and September (c, f, i) in late (a, b, c) and early (d, e, f) first frost years and their difference (g, h, i) during 1981-2019 (Unit: ℃)
(The black dots area passed the significance test at 0.05)