达选芳, 李照荣, 王小勇, 刘抗, 邸燕君, 闫晓敏

Correction technology of short-time solar radiation forecast based on cloud cover
DA Xuanfang, LI Zhaorong, WANG Xiaoyong, LIU Kang, DI Yanjun, YAN Xiaomin
图7 2019年6月光伏电站逐小时观测、预报及订正的地面太阳辐射(a、c、e、g)和夏季太阳辐射观测值与预报订正值拟合(b、d、f、h)
Fig.7 The hourly observation and forecast of surface solar radiation and its correction in June 2019 (a, c, e, g) and the fitting between the observed and corrected solar radiation in summer of 2019 (b, d, f, h) at photovoltaic power stations of Gansu Province
(a, b) HK, (c, d) DJHN, (e, f) SY, (g, h) MQ