
Characteristics of a Persistent Sea Fog Process over the Qiongzhou Strait in February 2018
Xiao FENG,Xun LI,Wei YANG,Chunhua ZHANG
图9 2018年2月17—26日琼州海峡(109.20°E—110.26°E、19.95°N—20.35°N)不同高度层平均水汽平流项(a)和比湿(b)逐6 h演变[红色(蓝色)方框、箭头分别表示18—20日(24—25日)持续湿平流(湿平流转为干平流)和比湿增加(下降)过程]
Fig.9 The 6-hour evolutions of mean water vapor advection term (a) and specific humidity (b) at different levels over the Qiongzhou Strait (109.20°E-110.26°E, 19.95°N-20.35°N) from 17 to 26 February 2018 [The red (blue) box and arrow indicated continuous wet advection (wet advection transfering to dry advection) and specific humidity increase (decrease) process from 18 to 20 (24 to 25) February 2018, respectively]