
Characteristics of a Persistent Sea Fog Process over the Qiongzhou Strait in February 2018
Xiao FENG,Xun LI,Wei YANG,Chunhua ZHANG
图8 2018年2月15(a、e)、19(b、f)、22(c、g)、24(d、h)日08:00琼州海峡1000 hPa比湿(红色等值线,单位:g·kg-1)、水汽通量(矢量,单位:g·hPa-1·cm-1·s-1)及其散度(填色,单位:10-5 g·hPa-1·cm-2·s-1)(a、b、c、d)和1000 hPa水汽平流项(e、f、g、h,单位:10-5 g·kg-1·s-1)分布
Fig.8 The distributions of 1000 hPa specific humidity (red contours, Unit: g·kg-1), water vapor flux (vectors, Unit: g·hPa-1·cm-1·s-1) and its divergence (shadows, Unit: 10-5 g·hPa-1·cm-2·s-1) (a, b, c, d) and 1000 hPa water vapor advection term (e, f, g, h, Unit: 10-5 g·kg-1·s-1) over the Qiongzhou Strait at 08:00 BST 15 (a, e), 19 (b, f), 22 (c, g) and 24 (d, h) February 2018